ESTORAQUE (Myroxylon balsamum(L.))
It reaches up to the 25 m. of entire height, 22 m commercial height and 0.70 m in diameter. Straight and cylindrical trunk. The bark presents large diffuse or in tiers lenticels, the resin that segregates expels a suffocating smell, sometimes it presents semicircular edges.
International trade name: Bálsamo.
Family: FABACAE - Papilionoideae.
Physical-Mechanical Properties.
Density (g/cm³) |
Volumetric contraction (%) |
Elasticity module (kg/cm²) |
Rupture modulus (kg/cm²) |
Hardness (kg/cm²) |
0.78 | 9.97 | 175,000 | 1340 | 1,143 |