madera ifh


TAHUARI (Tabebuia serralifolia Nichols)

It reaches up to the 36m of height. We can find logs with quality between good and regular, of 15 to 20 m of length and of 35 and 55 cm of diameter, absent buttresses, of dark green color. The superficial bark of the trunk is yellowish-brown toward the base and grayish or cream toward the top of the tree, of rough appearance, with superficial fissures.

International trade name : Ipe.
Family: Bignoniaceae.

Physical-Mechanical Properties.

Density  (g/cm³)

Volumetric contraction (%)

Elasticity module (kg/cm²)

Rupture modulus (kg/cm²)

Hardness (kg/cm²)

0.92 13.85 198,000 1,436 1,043









MASHONASTE (Clarisia racemosa Ruiz &Pav)

It reaches up to 40 m high, with commercial height average of 20 m and up to 80 cm of diameter; cylindrical trunk, with low roots strips poorly developed. The superficial bark of the trunk is a smooth and thin, of greyish reddish color, with orange lenticels; the dead bark pulls away in long pieces that are observed adhered by some time in the surface of the trunk.

International trade name: Guariuba.
Family: Moraceae.

Physical-Mechanical Properties.

Density  (g/cm³)

Volumetric contraction (%)

Elasticity module (kg/cm²)

Rupture modulus (kg/cm²)

Hardness (kg/cm²) 

0.56 9.40 139,000 926 690









ESTORAQUE (Myroxylon balsamum(L.))

It reaches up to the 25 m. of entire height, 22 m commercial height and 0.70 m in diameter. Straight and cylindrical trunk. The bark presents large diffuse or in tiers lenticels, the resin that segregates expels a suffocating smell, sometimes it presents semicircular edges.

International trade name: Bálsamo.
Family: FABACAE - Papilionoideae.

Physical-Mechanical Properties.

Density  (g/cm³)

Volumetric contraction (%)

Elasticity module (kg/cm²)

Rupture modulus (kg/cm²)

Hardness (kg/cm²) 

0.78 9.97 175,000 1340 1,143









COPAL (Tetragastris panamensis O. Kuntze.)

Bole straight, cylindrical and columnar. Total height up to 30 m. commercial height of 25 m. diameter at chest height of 40 to 55 cm

International trade name: Sali (Sur). Cédre rouge (Fran)

Physical-Mechanical Properties.

Density  (g/cm³)

Volumetric contraction (%)

Elasticity module (kg/cm²)

Rupture modulus (kg/cm²)

Hardness (kg/cm²) 

0.70 11.70 147,300 734 571









CATAHUA (Hura Crepitans sp.)

Catahua is a light wood, with a color of off-white to brown, with average brightness and a medium to coarse texture. It is recommended for panels, inner lining, laminates, among others.

International trade name: Assacú
Family: Euphorbiaceae

Physical-Mechanical Properties.

Density  (g/cm³)

Volumetric contraction (%)

Elasticity module (kg/cm²)

Rupture modulus (kg/cm²)

Hardness (kg/cm²)
0.41 9.00 68,000 401 236









ANACASPI (Apuleila leilocarpa sp.)

Anacaspi is a species of medium-fine texture, with a creamy yellow color and average amount of brightness. Resistant to biological attack Yacushapana is a species of high density, very resistant, color champagne to light brown color. It is recommended for outdoor applications and it is used in products such as : decking, floors.

International trade name: Grapia
Family: Fabaceaee

Physical-Mechanical Properties.

Density  (g/cm³)

Volumetric contraction (%)

Elasticity module (kg/cm²)

Rupture modulus (kg/cm²)

Hardness (kg/cm²)
0.70 10.60 95,500 538 443









YACUSHAPANA (terminalia sp.)

Yacushapana is a species of high density, very resistant, color champagne to light brown color. It is recommended for outdoor applications and it is used in products such as : decking, floors, railroad ties, tool handles, among others.

International trade name: Oblong Terminaliainalia

Family: Combretaceae

Physical-Mechanical Properties.

Especie Density  (g/cm³)

Volumetric contraction (%)

Elasticity module (kg/cm²)

Rupture modulus (kg/cm²)

Hardness (kg/cm²)
Yacushapana 0.61 12.40 95,500 538 443









TORNILLO (Cedrelinga catenaeformis) 

Tornillo is a species of medium density, reddish color and of high versatility. Its wide range of uses includes: covers, tiles, furniture, carpentry in general, frames, among others.

  • International trade name: Tornillo
    Family: Fabaceae - Mimosaceae

Physical-Mechanical Properties.

Density  (g/cm³)

Volumetric contraction (%)

Elasticity module (kg/cm²)

Rupture modulus (kg/cm²)

Hardness (kg/cm²)
0.51 10.65 99,000 693 373









SHIHUAHUACO (Dipteryx micrantha) 

Shihuahuaco is a very dense and durable species. Its high resistance to biological attack makes it an ideal species for outdoor use and in high demand for applications of decks and floors.

International trade name: Cumaru

Family: Fabaceae - Papilionoideae

Physical-Mechanical Properties.

Density  (g/cm³)

Volumetric contraction (%)

Elasticity module (kg/cm²)

Rupture modulus (kg/cm²)

Hardness (kg/cm²)
1.07 15.00 201,000 1,286 1,353









QUINILLA (Manilkara bidentata)

Quinilla is a species of high density, straight-grained, deep brown of purple color. Its excellent durability makes it one of the preferred species for uses such as: covers, floors, railroad ties, among others.

International trade name: Balata
Family: Sapotaceae

Physical-Mechanical Properties.

Density  (g/cm³)

Volumetric contraction (%)

Elasticity module (kg/cm²)

Rupture modulus (kg/cm²)

Hardness (kg/cm²)
0.87 15.80 184,000 1,204 1,090








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Carretera Federico Basadre Km. 12
Yarinacocha, Coronel Portillo, Ucayali, Perú

Mob: +51 997847059