madera ifh


HUAYRURO (Ormosia shunkei)

Huayruro is a species of high density, yellow reddish color and highly durable. Its straight grained and excellent natural durability makes it a favorite among industrial applications. It is widely used for: heavy construction, bed covers, floors, carpentry in general, structural applications, among others.

International trade name : Huayruro
Family: Fabaceae -Papilionoideae

Physical-Mechanical Properties.

Density  (g/cm³)

Volumetric contraction (%)

Elasticity module (kg/cm²)

Rupture modulus (kg/cm²)

Hardness (kg/cm²)
0.77 9.40 136,000 838 650









COPAIBA (Copaifera  officinalis) 

Copaiba is a species of high density, straight grained, good workability and reddish color. Some of their uses are: wooden courtyard, floors and general carpentry.

International trade name : Copaiba
Family: Fabaceae-Caesalpinoideae

Physical-Mechanical Properties.

Density  (g/cm³)

Volumetric contraction (%)

Elasticity module (kg/cm²)

Rupture modulus (kg/cm²)

Hardness (kg/cm²)


10.70 112,000 736 587








Cachimbo colorado

CACHIMBO COLORADO (Cariniana domesticata)

Cachimbo is a species of medium density, light brown color and straight grained. It is ideal for indoor applications and it is used in products such as: furniture, moldings, tool handles, carpentry, interiors, among others.

International trade name : Cachimbo
Family: Lecythidaceae

Physical-Mechanical Properties.

Density  (g/cm³)

Volumetric contraction (%)

Elasticity module (kg/cm²)

Rupture modulus (kg/cm²)

Hardness (kg/cm²)
0.56 12.06 131,000 735 468








Alcanfor moena

CAMPHOR MOENA (Ocotea sp)  

Camphor Moena is a species of low and medium density, with a nice yellowish color and pleasant smell. Its main uses have been for general carpentry and furniture

International trade name : Aniba amazónica
Family: Lauraceae

Physical-Mechanical Properties.

Density  (g/cm³)

Volumetric contraction (%)

Elasticity module (kg/cm²)

Rupture modulus (kg/cm²)

Hardness (kg/cm²)
0.49 11.90 106,000 737 379






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Grupo IFH

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Our Industry

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Carretera Federico Basadre Km. 12
Yarinacocha, Coronel Portillo, Ucayali, Perú

Mob: +51 997847059