National Agreement on Legal Wood
We are part of “The National Agreement on Legal Timber” since its launch in 2015. It’s an initiative launched by the Peruvian Government in partnership with NGOs with the leadership of WWF (World Wildlife Fund), the forest producers, the private company, the indigenous organizations, finance and civil society, aimed to increase the trade for legal wood, aligning the visions of the actors that are related directly to the productive chain of timber forest products (public and private) for the sake of achieving a legal and sustainable forest sector.
In our supply sources we identify two groups for the purchasing that are:
GROUP A: Purchasing of Certified Timber
- Certified Forests
- Controlled Forest Wood
GROUP B: Purchase of Non-certified Wood With 100% verifications in the SIGO (Osinfor Management Information System). This is an online tool that OSINFOR (Forest and Wildlife Resources Supervision Organization) places at the public service in its page, from which three sub-groups emerge:
- Green - Wood without Risk for the purchase of legal wood determined in accordance with POA and Zafra. Qualified Wood for the purchase.
- Red - Wood with Risk for the purchase of legal wood determined in accordance with POA and Zafra. No -qualified Wood for the purchase.
- The qualifications that are not included in the SIGO - Observatory OSINFOR If they have supporting documentation that they comply with all their forest obligations, among others, it comes with the purchase, knowing the supplier, verifying the traceability and legality from origin.
The staff involved in the process of responsible purchasing policy for the supply of the company includes:
- General management
- Supported by Clerical staff of other areas, like:
- Safety area
- Area of Finance
- Area of External Logistics
- Area of Accounting
- Supervised by external legal Consultancy
The information filter for the purchase is related in:
- Company Details
- Contact Information
- Commitment of the provider that performs the Sale
- Sources of Wood
Supervision documents at purchase time:
• Accounting documents (revision of flow of internal procedures)
• Documents of traceability and legality ( guides and all the relevant documentation )
• additional documents and internal (tabs, measures, DJ, calculations, among other documents of legality.